Cards Against Humanity…or Humanity Against Cards?

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Cards against humanity review

Unless you’ve been living under a rock in a cave on the moon, you have probably heard of the new card game called Cards Against Humanity. This new game is dubbed by the creators as “a party game for horrible people” and is sure to make you laugh.

The gameplay is simple. Every round, one player asks a question from a black card, and the other players answer with their funniest white card. It makes for some awkward and hilarious moments.
Cards Against Humanity Game Review

There are many expansion pack sets, but the original comes with 550 cards and is the set you should start off on. The expansion sets have titles from anything like “green” or “red” to the apocalyptic “post-Trump” set. You can find a version that caters to any of your wacky friends’ family members quirkiness and then have a blast playing with them.

The sets are inexpensive, ranging from $4 to $25 dollars. You can find them on the company’s website, or on any number of other sites, including Amazon. If you are looking for a fun and unique game to take to an interesting gathering of relatively strange individuals, Cards Against Humanity is a great option.

You can find some sets in retail stores, but your best bet for finding them all or the less-notorious sets is online. New expansion sets are coming out all the time, so the game never gets old. If you’re in college, or just a partier, you can create drinking games with them, too.

Bottom line is, get this game. It is a great way to break the ice for groups, or share laughs with old friends.

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