You Won’t Believe What Mark Cuban Just Said About Trump – Shocking Details Inside!

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Snake Oil Salesperson - Mark Cuban hurls insult at Donald Trump

Billionaire mogul Mark Cuban didn’t hold back in his criticism of former President Trump, dubbing him a “snake oil salesperson” while explaining why he’s throwing his support behind President Biden for the upcoming election. This endorsement from one of America’s most prominent business figures couldn’t come at a more crucial time for the 81-year-old president, who’s been facing a tough battle in the polls, especially with doubts swirling around his age and handling of issues like the Israel-Gaza conflict.

In a no-nonsense email to Axios, Cuban made it clear: “I don’t want a snake oil salesperson as President. I’m voting for Biden/Harris over Trump all day every day.” For him, it’s a showdown between a slick pitchman and a traditional politician. “One will tell you his snake oil will cure everything that ails you. The other will show you the details of his policies through charts, graphs, and statements,” Cuban remarked. He praised Biden’s precision and methodical approach, contrasting it with Trump’s flashy style. “He is precise and methodical and wants to sell the steak, not the sizzle,” Cuban said, pointing out that Trump voters seem content with their “snake oil” regardless of its effectiveness.

Cuban’s support for Biden isn’t just about politics; it’s personal. He’s been vocal about his backing for Biden, even stating he’d choose him over Trump if the former president were on his deathbed. Beyond politics, Cuban’s been busy in the business world, co-founding Cost Plus Drugs, a company aiming to slash prices for generic drugs. Meanwhile, as Super Tuesday results roll in, Trump’s grip on the GOP remains strong, setting the stage for a showdown with Biden in November. Cuban’s even thrown a curveball, backing Nikki Haley in the Texas primary as a “protest vote against Trump.”

Adding to the intrigue, Cuban hinted at a potential AI-driven “October Tech Surprise” before election day. He pointed out how different platforms serve different versions of news, with algorithms playing a crucial role. With news consumption shifting to online platforms, Cuban believes the campaign that masters these algorithms could sway critical undecided voters. “It would not surprise me if someone is using machine learning and LLMs (large language models) to reverse engineer those algorithms in hopes of an ‘October Tech Surprise,'” he speculated.

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