Porn Star Wife of Cyberbully Speaks to U.N. about Cyberbullying

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Melania Trump, Porn Star First Lady Addresses UN
Melania Trump, the only First Lady who made a living as a porn star spoke at a United Nations luncheon on the topic of cyber bullying. The irony of a woman married to the most notorious online bully making a call to end cyber bullying was apparently lost on her.

Though the irony was lost on Melania, others were quick to point it out. Dana Bash, political correspondent for CNN, has criticized Mrs. Trump for this before. Today she said of the surreal speech:

“Listening to her talk about – remember our kids are watching and listening, remember that they need to follow our own examples – those of house have kids and can’t show them some of the retweets by the President of the United States because we don’t think it’s appropriate to condone hitting a golf ball at a former competitor and knocking them over, see that there’s more than a little bit of irony here. She should be commended, but come on.” Dana Bash


Melania Trump, as The Daily Internet has reported, made her way as a porn star before landing her current gig as billionaire’s wife. We are not trying to shame her for profiting from pornography, but do try to point out the hypocrisy of the religious right, who used to abhor pornography and now are seemingly worshiping a porn star and her family.

Porn Star Addresses United Nations

In what could be a first, a porn star addressed the historic global institution known as the UN. Melania Trump should be commended for speaking out against cyberbullying, but as many have pointed out, she should try stopping the Bully-in-Chief she is married to.

Her husband shared a photo depicting violence against his former political opponent no more than a week ago. This was not his first time essentially calling for violence to his tens of millions of followers. Melania’s speech is comical when juxtaposed against her husband’s violent and antagonistic rhetoric.

The Trump’s have no shame and often accuse others of actions they are guilty of. It is one of their most consistent methods of attack. Fortunately, it doesn’t seem to be working.


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