Melania Trump, the Porn-Star Menace

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Melania Trump Porn Star Menace

Melania Trump is the first porn star to be married to a President of the United States of America, which is just another indicator that Idiocracy was not a fictional movie, but premonitory documentary. Oddly enough, the typically religious folks who spent the last 8 years yelling racist attacks at our current FLOTUS, Michelle Obama, are claiming Trump’s third wife and porn star is “returning class to the White House.”

To be fair, we at The Daily Internet find all legal forms of pornography that are created without harming any person…or animal…to be entirely fine forms of expression. We are not associating classlessness with pornography, but we are pointing out the hypocrisy of the evangelical “Christians” who overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump.


According to Pew Research center, 81% of evangelicals voted for the short-fingered vulgarian and as we all know, they DO associate women in porn with being dirty or not classy, some even say “demon-possessed.” Republicans have gone so far as to officially declared porn a “menace to society.” So either they have liberalized their views, or are giving Melania Trump a pass because….’Murica.

Is Melania Trump Technically a “Porn Star?”

Hell yes, she is, but don’t take our word for it. Merriam-Webster tells us many, if not most of the images Melania made a career from are pornography. “The depiction of erotic behavior intended to cause sexual excitement” is one definition they use. And we’ll oblige if you prefer the more explicit Oxford definition, “printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity.”

Melania Trump Nude Porn
Image from

If you can look at these girl-on-girl nude photos from a 1995 shoot with Melania and deny they are intended to cause sexual excitement, you probably say you voted for Trump because he, “tells it like it is,” or have some other type of mental affliction. The truth is, many evangelicals view much-less risque photos as pornography. Some even dub photos of women in swimsuits “pornographic.”


Repent! Porn is the Writing of Harlots, Sinner!

Pornography is in the eyes of the beholder. One man’s porn is another man’s coffee table magazine. The point we are trying to make is that many of these people claiming the Trumps will “bring class back to the White House” have shared images of Obama and his family depicted as apes, claiming the Obamas have no class. Now these folks are worshiping a thrice-married and philandering exploded can of Tang who is married to a porn star.

According to a prominent Christian website, pornography is literally “the writing of harlots.” We at the Daily Internet don’t link to prominent evangelical sites, so here is the non-linked URL: Copy and paste it if you must.

By the admission of many-an-evangelical, nude and suggestive photos are pornography. A GOP committee officially labeled porn as a menace to society. Now both the GOP and evangelicals have chosen to place an admitted pussy-grabber and cheater who is married to a “harlot” in the highest office in the land. They have lost any moral standing they may have dreamed they had, according to their own standards. Hopefully they will stop viewing pornography as sinful altogether, but more than likely this is just an exception made for the Philanderer-in-Chief they so love.

There are many battles to be fought over the next four years. The points made about evangelical and Republican hypocrisy here are tiny when considering we are likely entering the most corrupt age America has ever seen. But, when you see one of these hypocrites blathering about how classy the Trumps are, remind them what they used to believe before they tied their boats to a Cheeto-dusted child who married an illegal-immigrant “harlot.”

7 thoughts on “Melania Trump, the Porn-Star Menace

  1. I always wanted a role model porn actress. I really object to calling her a star. I am also including prostitute in her description, I am sure it is on her resume.

    1. I am no fan of Donald and I see the hypocrisy. But I personally really don`t care what ever she has done in the past ( unless she was evil) because it is her life, and she hurt no one.

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